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So i'm trying to open up this game in my downloads but it wouldn't open the actual game so i'm kinda just stuck.

You have to extract the game first with a program like WinRAR


I’m on the Rodriguez Route on the trucks and I can’t find lanks no matter where I look.

Hey, I gotta ask: are you still working on making a Mac version? I'm getting desperate please.

Psst... you can play Hopeful through a Windows game emulator called Wineskin Winery. It's really simple to use. The only issue I have is for me the game crashes randomly every 1-2 hours of gameplay or so, but that's only a problem if you're playing on pain mode. I just remind myself to save regularly. Here's the link to the official Wineskin website: .

Oooh, thank you!

Can you explain how you used Wineskin? I've been trying to figure it out on my own and I'm lost. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Well, I played as much as I can, and aside from the length of shit mentioned below, these are my final thoughts on the rest of the new update:
• In the waterfall area I kinda feel like that one Crow on a cliff that's out of reach to the left of the destroyed playground should be off screen. If people are playin this new update for the first time and they pick normal mode they're going to be really confused when they see a crow that's impossible to reach and they've explored everywhere else in the area (since the charges only exist in Pain Mode).
• What in the hell are with these bat enemies past the Lovely camp in Area 4? I ignored 'em in my last run but these guys are so obnoxious. For some reason these tiny things have a giant mass of HP, which makes no sense because they're just bats. Not only that, but they can Anger-lock you if they attack in groups, making it impossible to heal yourself because you're always +Pissed.
• Second problem with the bats is that if you run away from battle you are forced to take one step backwards, and because of the Bat's weird movement arc in the overworld I end up just re-entering the battle uncontrollably.
• A sort of sprite error after the massive truck crash in your party member's alternate routes. When Mr. Bullet Waster is dying on the ground the eye patch is on the wrong eye.
• The Amy mutant in the underground lab and the mutant pile that causes the truck crash, these sprites seem like they're lacking in shading? They look significantly less detailed than the rest of the characters and scenery in the entire game.
• I stand throughly corrected: The Hard Rider is by far the worst (optional) boss in the game. Why does he start the battle with a permanent +Cool status? I mean Aesthetically it makes sense but as an actual battle it's just awful. At this point in the game (except for the bonus Pain Mode route) you are pretty much going solo, so you have to waste a turn you could be using canceling out the 600 HP heal each turn healing yourself so you don't die. And like I said before this Cool status is permanent, unlike in the older builds where he did it by taking a smoke break, so it never goes away, and if you get hit badly enough you spend multiple turns keeping yourself alive while the Hard Rider's permanent status effectively undoes almost all the damage you dealt to him at that point. The battle goes on forever, and without the aid of Joy you'll be lucky to beat him with minimal turns gone by.

I feel kinda bad that I had so many critiques about the gameplay of the new update, but like, for real, this Lisa game was a real treat in general. Freaking great characters, unique areas, a terrifying main gang, the story, people and atmosphere is really good. And the final battle in the new alternate pain mode route was outstanding, I don't think I have ever gotten this much of a legit frightening since the first time I saw the ending of Lisa the Painful. Thanks for the hard work, and sorry for sounding like a hardass, I'm not good at being a critic.


Never feel bad about critiquing a game, or really anything you enjoyed. It's always helpful (unless it's a violent tirade against the game dev of course).

(2 edits)

A bug that I found, after triggering the lanks path, after the sportsdome, this happened. Instead of a mutant fight. (Yes I took Joy.)

Also, I tried doing it joyless. But it kept saying "Lanks learned Triple Fireball" And didn't let me progress.

This should be fixed if you update

Okay, thanks a million! I've been really liking this new update!

(4 edits) (+3)(-1)

I have mostly mixed feelings about the definitive update. I can't vouch for if all of these are apart of it since I hadn't played in a long time but these are my thoughts:

• Did the usual enemies get big HP buffs? Because a lot of these fights have become very time consuming. Now they're not exactly harder, mind you, but they just take too long to kill now and it's become what I disliked mainly about the Arkantos Mod of Lisa the Joyful; most of the enemies are just HP sponges now. I strongly recommend lowering the HP of the enemies. Not only that but because of all of the "special" death dialogue you gave enemies in certain groups any residual damage that would normally go over to the next enemy in line is instead wasted on the enemy who is already at 0 HP. The biggest problem lies with every single shadowy figure in the game (including in the new areas like the Waterfall area). They attack usually everyone at once, they come in groups, they have too much HP, and the EXP gained from them after battle is absolutely worthless and not helpful at all.

• Some of the new skills added are completely useless, mostly Lanks' new abilities. Stink Bomb almost never deals poison to enemies even though that's the selling point of the move in the description. On top of that Enrapturing Speech is no better than Powerful Speech now. It used to give Attack and Agility buffs AND Rage, but now it just slightly buffs the team (as much as Powerful) with a small chance of Rage. This should have been the turnaround move to combat the final enemies of the Sportsdome, but instead it made those last fights miserable and (like my first point) time consuming. If these skills were simply buffed to match the extra HP given to enemies (or vise verca) this wouldn't be such a consistently annoying problem.

• I do not like that Cyclops changed to from SP to TP.  Now there are some clever ways to take advantage of this I will admit. It makes it easier to decide who stays awake at campfires, and since you don't need to expend as many SP restoring items on your party when needed the that's one less layer of wasted items to worry about. But once Cyclops starts learning the more expensive and most helpful skills it becomes a real annoyance to even build up enough TP to use them, and once they're used the TP is drained almost completely. This wouldn't be so bad if stores sold Lucrative Tea, or if as Cyclops levels up he gains even more TP for every dial combo performed (because for late game 3 TP for every dial combo performed is absolutely pitiful), but I have never (or only once) used these higher up skills, and they simply collect dust in Cyclops' potential arsenal.

• How much of this brand new content is blocked behind Pain Mode? I attempted to explore these new areas being teased, but only a few screens later I'm blocked by an impassable obstacle that can seemingly only be made passable through a Pain Mode exclusive event trigger. There's also apparently new party members to recruit throughout the game, but as it turns out these events can only be triggered through pain mode. Now I don't have an issue with pain mode in general, but with so much content now blocked behind it what's the point of ever doing normal mode anymore? It genuinely feels like playing normal mode only gives you half of the experience now. There might as well not even be an option to choose the difficulty anymore, because a vast majority of the players will always choose pain mode JUST to get the full experience. That would be my suggestion, either that or allow these new areas and new party members to also be fully accessible in normal mode (though in regards to the super secret boss I've heard about, keeping that in particular in pain mode only is fine).  Additionally all of these areas are only accessible by going past obstacles or groups of people that have always been meant to block you from going the wrong way in previous builds. I cannot even begin to explain how counterproductive that is. All this time I had assumed these new areas would be peppered in between each of the old areas to spice things up, but instead they are tucked away behind what were previously invisible walls meant to keep you on the right path. Coupled with the fact that a good chunk of the new areas are still blocked off by pain mode, I have to start the game over from scratch anyway, and that makes me immensely disappointed.


I agree with everything said here. I also happened to play through this waterfall place past the sportsdome that's supposed to be for one of the secret endings and good god this place is absolute trash tier. I think this is even harder than the final boss of the game, who does that? The First of all every single one of these weird shadow enemies are so bulky in HP I wasted some of my best items before even getting to the boss of this area, and speaking of the boss:
1. These three fish people are too bulky in HP, this battle went on for 15 minutes for me.
2. All three of them have the capability to heal everyone when they're all low on HP, effectively adding the extra 10 minutes I spent on this boss.
3. These enemies have too much HP.
4. The final, final fish guy after this battle is the most badly designed boss I have ever seen in any possible LISA fangame, and I just finished playing the demo of Lustful. This guy should have been killed the first time, giving him a second form just makes this battle drag on even longer. It also doesn't help that a random helper joins in as piles on that status ailment that makes allies refuse to be healed (why is that status even in the game?)
5. These. Enemies. Have. Too. Much. HP. More HP doesn't make a boss tougher, it just makes it longer, and makes you waste more items than you need to.

There's a fine line between hard and challenging, and hard and bullshit, and these update crossed the line of the latter by at least 50 miles. I don't feel like I lost these battles because it was my fault, I lost these battles because the RNG of my crits, stats, and dodges were not good enough. Does Stinkbomb EVER poison the target? Can intimidate actually intimidate enemies? Can hiding actually let me dodge attacks more often?

What was originally a decently balanced and overall enjoyable experience has now turned into one of the most stressful games I had the displeasure of experiencing this year, and I am extremely disappointed that Hopeful sank to the low of other Lisa fangames where things just need to keep getting harder and harder until you hemorrhage.

(3 edits)

I just  got through that waterfall area and I certainly see what you mean, those bosses are very tanky and just unpleasant to battle against.  Even with this recent patch that entire area is still in pretty bad shape. Now I'm at this winter area and even this place has a multitude of problems:

• No save crow OR campfire to heal your party before you enter the blizzard section of the map. BIG problem, especially considering the Hart gang henchmen blocking the way at the start of Area 4 used too many of my valuable items.
• The snow wolves and knife fighters covered in snow are (once again, like the other enemies in this update) too tanky in HP.
• The intermittent icy winds that deal weather damage to you on the overworld. At first it's not an issue, but later on the winds start dealing actually hard residual damage to you, making you too weak to battle against any wolves that are hard to avoid because of how you run against the wind. Would be much more tolerable if I could actually heal my team with a campfire. I don't know why but there just stopped being usable campfires after I left the waterfall area, which is a problem because at this point I don't have very many items left to keep my team alive.
• With a certain party member gone at this point in this particular story route, I don't have an AOE healer anymore.
• Let's talk about how equally tanky and tedious the mutant and group of Hart henchman are in Shiver City. Once again too much HP, they hit too hard for what the average expected level your team should be at this point, and I still don't have enough items to keep my team alive. This is honestly what I'm expecting to happen for the rest of this storyline, so whatever enemies that appear after this point should be nerfed too. I understand it's a common retort to "get good" at these games, but that shouldn't be an excuse to leave flawed game design as is.

I sincerely hope the developer sees these comments (I don't have Discord for whatever server being advertised), because these are serious problems. To be perfectly honest this update came out too soon; there should have been a lot more extensive testing with balancing out this new content better. I feel like I'm playing a late alpha build again rather than a "definitive" final release.


Yep, the reviews are a helpful perspective and I've been changing a lot of these things. I agree about there not being enough playtesting.


I appreciate the reply. I got one last request: Is there a brief guide on how to trigger the Lanks and Cyclops routes?


Yep. In the Sportsdome you can talk to your party members between tournament matches when you can explore. You need to give them the right response 4 times and you'll trigger the route. Note that if you talk to both of them the one you talk to last will be the route that is activated. As for what the correct responses are, the hint is that you challenge your party members rather than side with them.

If that's not enough, spoilers: top answers for Lanks bottom answers for Cyclops


This game far exceeded my expectations; I absolutely loved it. If you are considering downloading this game do it now! Taco Salad and co. you have truly made an amazing fan game. 

Ps. Try not to be so joyful, for the best experience. ;)


hey i love this game but what the fuck, what the for real fuck, fuck me, fuck my life, fuck, fuck, i am so sad, i am so upset, all my friends are fucking dead, i was so ATTACHED and now theyre DEAD and im fucked up for good now ill never be the same this game did me in i have never felt so lost in my life yall made me kill clyde myself and then i thought "well at least i still have lanks" but i was a FOOL i was STUPID..... anyway im real upset over this game u did too damn good of a job

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Hey Taco, I created the account just to thank you for the great game. You made a good story which deserves a place in LISA universe. I'm really impressed by this game. Thanks.

Why is this listed as "not available on Windows" whenever I look at it on the client?


Yo taco, I made an account just to let you know that I loved Lisa the Hopeful and every character in it.

Keep up the good work ❤❤❤

Dude this really needs a sequel 


22 days ago, I played Lisa the Hopeful, my mind kept bothering me of making an offical review since I said I would probably make one, and, well, here it is.

As I said before, this game felt like a sequel to Lisa the Painful, except it is based on different characters, made by Taco Salad. I wouldn't call this game OUTSTANDING, but very well made.

Some of the characters were used from the previous games, but some were original, and some of them had a laugh that I enjoyed, or being wierded out.

The soundtrack were obviously used from other fan made games and from the original, but the theme for each place you run into fits perfectly.

The gameplay outside of the battle were good, except some of the things you thought would have goods because it was exactly like the previous game, turned out to either be nothing or a person giving dialogue. Also the place I disliked the most was the swamp level. The reason for it was because of the mushrooms that drugs you and makes your combat weaker, and it almost felt impossible to go through without being gassed. I guessed how the mushrooms work was that it spews out gas, and you see the gas floating in any sort of direction. If they aren't in your way then you're clear, but when I tried that method, I got gassed without any gas in the way. Was there something I was missing, or was it a mistake? Anyway, I haven't have to face any glitches while traveling.

The combat system worked nicely, but mostly in the ending, the characters you're facing start to disappear after they  perform an attack, and you would have to scroll over to see if he is still alive.

The story was well written with it's dialogue and how you would feel for each character. I can't say all the characters would be well remembered, except for the main character, Beltboy, and you'll see what I mean when you play the game.

Now the gamemode, I only played the Painful Mode, and it was painful, but it takes strategy and (probably) luck to get through the game without dying too many times. 

Finally, the ending, I've been trying to make this review spoil free, but this can't go without saying anything that would spoil the game. If you want to skip this paragraph, then keep scrolling down till the paragraph ends.


This adventure has more than one ending, you can chose to take the joy yourself, and/or give one or both your characters one, or don't take any at all. Joy affects your combat system and makes your characters to perform 100% critical hits, and are not cheap to sell. But if you were aware of Lisa the Painful, you would be fully aware that it turns you into a mutant monster.

Now the fate of each character you're partnered with turns out that they will die no matter what, and you can't change that. It felt cheap, but it would be more understandable if you weren't aware of how it would've turned for the characters either way.

Now, heres the confusing part for the game "series," if you didn't take the drug, you get an extra dialogue story with the girl and Beltboy, and she says that she needs your help, could this mean that there could be a sequel? It wouldn't make more sense if you drug yourself and decided to leave the game how it is. But I did like the joyless ending. The joyful would just make you feel awful.


This game is in the middle of being called an actual game to a fan made game, and I must say, I am very impressed how it turned out to be. I can't call it perfect, but I can call it fun to play. It still could've have more things to do like more side quests or more characters to talk to and have a goof about it because it almost felt empty compared to Lisa the Painful.

For its rating, I would give it a 7/10.

Thank you for this game, and I'm hoping to see more games coming from Taco Salad.


Did all joyful, joyless, and pain mode runs. 

Thanks for the wonderful fan game!


I made an account on this website just because I had to let you know this game fucked me up. I mean, Painful and Joyful were both sad, but this game genuinely fucked me up. It took my heart and then fucking stomped on it. The abrupt shift in atmosphere, the finale, the brief glimmer of hope you get right after the Sportsdome which is then ripped away from you, the last campfire scene, the everything in this game is just beautifully set up and executed to leave you with this crushing feeling of loss.

Fuck, this was a great game. Absolutely perfect.


Just wanted to say great job on this game, the hard work and passion is evident for this LISA fan game! I love the different direction this game went by following three bro's while still maintaining that LISA quality/similarity. After playing this on pain mode (joyless), I adored the expansion to the LISA universe and that ending made me wanted more. Thank you for creating this brilliant game

i'm having trouble in the swamp area, how can i pass the balloon?


I think you need to expand your mind a little. Try sniffing some mushroom fumes

When I try to download the game,  i don't get a .exe file. I only get .rar files.   Is it because i'm useing windows 10? 

You need to extract the RAR file with a program like WinRAR, it contains the game

Thank you for the help. i'm new to the fan gaming downloads.

hey! i love this game so much so far! but i'm having a BIT of an issue. i may just be being stupid, but /SPOILERS/ after i defeat bubbles, ya know, the joy mutant, and i walk past him, i can't go up the ledge. and when the barrels hit me, they don't knock me onto the ledges, but instead into the bowls of beer or onto the floor. i may just be dumb, but i can't figure it out and i've gotten to attached to these characters and this story to stop now. 

nvm, ive figured it out. sorry to bug you!

Hey, just wanted to say i LOVE your game, exactly what i wanted from a lisa fangame. great fights and humour, heartbreaking moments, and tons of new awesome mechanics that i can't help but gush to my friends about. One thing though, will you ever release the music for it? i really love the sportsdome general theme and keggers music, and i can't find it anywhere! thank you for taking the time to make such an amazing experience.

More Lisa? Hell yeah! Looking up to this.


Well, i installed a new version after the whole crash error and i finally got to play the game. Gotta say, it was phenomenal. Only complaint is that this game is a bit too linear in comparison to LISA the painful and LISA the pointless. Other than that, great game, i especially love the last few scenes where Beltboy turns from kind to a proper badass

(1 edit)

I'm only half way into the game, and I must say, it is remarkable. This game feels the new Lisa we all would be hoping for, except this adventure hardly relates to Brads story. You get invested with these characters once you start playing the game and it shows a bond in the party. The fighting feels fair as long you know your strategies. Some humor here and there that you might laugh to, I certainly did. Although it is hard to keep control of your mags compared to LISA, but it is similar to LISA the Joyful. The Antagonist makes me want to strangle him, and that's what it is expected to do with a villain. I can keep up with the plot smoothly. And finally I am invested with the OST, and I am hoping for a free OST without converting the music. I may have a official review over this game, but I decided to release my thoughts about the game so far. Thank you

I look forward to checking out your review if you end up making one! Thank you for your kind words.

I have an issue about the swamp area.

Next to the Wells Brothers, there is one of the mist mushrooms, but when I pass them, I start tripping balls, no matter what. I've waited for them to exhale it, but it changes nothing. I've tried loading previous saves and nothing, could you look into that?


That mushroom is a dick I know. Wait for them to be spat out, then if there's no gas on top of the mushroom, step onto it. Wait until they're spat again, then take another step forward off the mushroom once the tile is clear, then continue. It is possible and it's not a bug, it's just an asshole mushroom guarding a pair (or trio) of asshole brothers.

Hello Taco Salad, do you mind letting me know when the latest update of this game was posted? Thanks.

A small update was uploaded around 12 hours ago from the time of this comment

i find a bug in the old luncher in the zone keeger krew the ten on the zone of the barrels thats the bug i cant go up or down from the new ropes please help me ah and sorry for my bad english

(+1) These are not new ropes, just pillars holding up the platforms

For some reason I can't play the game without having to move the tab. It freezes on one frame unless I move it.

Not sure why that would happen, try the legacy version (the alternate launcher).

Still won't work. And I really wanted to play..

Does this happen with other rpg maker games / LISA / LISA the Pointless?

LISA the First worked for me fine but it won't let me play Lisa the Pointless either.

Sorry, seems like your computer doesn't like RPG Maker VX Ace games. Might need to do some googling

Everytime i download gets stuck at 40 or 50 % IDK why can you please add a Mediafire link or upolad it anywhere else i really want to play this game! thank you.

(1 edit)

So im using windows 8 for this and I used winrar to extract it. But then when I open the game, there's a pop-up that says, "No game scripts specified (missing game.ini?)". Just so you know the game.ini seems to be there. So, what should I do?

Edit: Nevermind, I just had to use a different winrar version.

does not start and gives error on Windows 7.Plz help!

Screenshot of the error please

Did you extract the .RAR file with WinRAR before running the game? The file the error is referring to should be included, so there shouldn't be any problems unless it doesn't have permission to access it. If the folder has been extracted and you're running the game as an administrator, it should work. If not, then all I can suggest is to download the game and try again.

Thank you

Did not work,still ideas will be?

I'm going to upload an updated version later on that might work for you. Sorry for the problems you've been having. If you want to try fixing it on your own in advance: edit mkxp.conf with notepad and delete the line 'preloadScript=preload.rb'. This might work for you

After escaping the *spoiler free camp* I got this bug :c


Should be fixed now in the update I just uploaded, you should be able to transfer over your save file safely (it'll be in the game's folder)

(1 edit)

Hey, great game so far, but there's a section in which I'm getting pretty stuck. Will PM details if you don't want me spoiling anything.

Edit: all good now.

I really wanted to play this game, but after some seconds that i open the game it simple closes, i'm using windows 7 btw.

Sorry, didn't get a notification for this comment. I'm not sure what the problem might be if there's no error message. Try downloading the new version and see if it works, and make sure the game is extracted.

Hey just wanna say the new version of the game worked for me, thank you for the answer! loving the game so far.

After the initial cutscene, as soon as i take control of Beltboy This error occurs, and the game crashes. Any idea what causes it?

That's...strange. Have you tried more than once? Have you tried redownloading the game? The game has an options menu where you can change things like the sound and music volume - did you change any of that?

Great game!

is there anyway to disable frame skip?

(1 edit)

Try this: there should be a file called mkxp.conf in your extracted game folder. Open it up with notepad; there'll be a line with 'frameskip' that you can change to false.

Hi! I can't figure out where to find your game after extracting the rar file. I have the Hopeful folder open but I don't see the game application anywhere...

Currently, and something that will hopefully be changed soon, I only have the game playable on Windows. If you're using Mac, I don't think you'll be able to run the executable. It should be called 'hopeful.exe' in the extracted folder. You might want to redownload the RAR if you are using Windows and you still don't see it.

Okay, I'm using Mac :( .

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