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I dont have the space or age to even get this game, but it looked AMAZING in the trailer.  Also, a little question TacoSalad, Instead of hiring thousands of translators, couldnt you use google translator?

Hi Mr.Tacosalad! I really love the fangame. Are there any secret areas in the game (like during the acid trip there's one guy in an island upside down, and the same guy when you drop down the cliff that says jump down) like the original games where you have to jump off cliffs and hope it has a cave or landing?


Nothing as big as a certain fishy area in the Painful. Most places you can safely drop from are hinted by a flag.

Random question Mr.Tacosalad, do you have any plans for a sequel? Cause man, the joyless ending really seems like its leading into something.

At one point I did, but as of now I don't have any plans to make a sequel.

Aw, darn.

(1 edit) (+1)

*EDIT* sigh, nevermind. There were multiple posts just below mine that answered my question. So as not to waste time, thanks for the amazing fangame Mr. Tacosalad!


Oh hey, I got someone to play my game via a review and being a delicious meal. Not bad.

Not bad at all ;)

Hi, where can I donate to the creator of this game (Taco Salad) ?

(1 edit)

I appreciate the thought, but I'd rather not accept any donations as a result of this game. The best thing you can do is save your money for my next original project that may come sometime in the future. Thank you for playing.

I would however recommend you take a look at one of the game's musician's bandcamp page and consider picking it up to support him:

I've heard of the game and i want to play, but i cant launch it. a window pops up like It's gonna start, but then it closes instantly. Just letting you know, probably just my computer

(1 edit)

Might be. Try using the old launcher in the game's folder (instructions included in that respective folder). Also possible it may be an overzealous antivirus (but I've never heard of one having a problem with the game)

Hay parche en español ?¡ :( 

Lo siento. :(

(I will consider making translation patches should someone make a full transcript for me, but it'd take a lot of time for both of us.)

Hey! I'd gladly translate it if you wish. c: No problemo. 

Again, it'd be a lot of work for you. I'd need an organized document of all dialogue, item text and battle text in order of appearance (knowing how to decompile and view the RPG Maker project file on your own would be best for this, otherwise you'll have to play through the game), and then I'd need another neutral, fluent person to verify the translation to see if it comes across the same.  Get in contact me if you go through with this and finish it so you can send me the document and I can include anything you might have missed. (PM on discord is probably the best way, although I may be slow to respond on there at first.)

Aight. Give me a few days and I'll see what I can do. :B


Hey! I speak spanish fluently and i think i could help.


i really really liked the game up until the final stretch where beltboy gets his revenge. The difficulty curve was rising higher and higher after the sports stadium and i couldn't get past the final stretch. I'm really really disappointed.

Hey Taco, thanks for making this amazing game (for free too!). I'm loving it. I do have a problem though - I'm getting stuck at a cutscene pretty late in the game (rodregiuez route). It's the one right after the optional boss fight to get BB's jacket. A couple dialogs work, then BB stands up and... nothing. The screen is still except for the fire and Reginald's excited wiggling. Any ideas for a fix?

(1 edit)

Once BB stands up you should be able to walk around. If you're locked in place and your movement keys don't work then I'm not sure how that could happen.

Thanks Taco, can't believe I didn't try that!



I updated my pc to find out that Hopeful doesn't run. It get a black screen then crashes. I re-downloaded but nothing changed. The same exact thing also happened with my Lisa the Pointess. Any help?`

Have you tried using the Old Launcher? Read the text-file in that folder of your game folder for more information.


Ayyy thanks man! That definitely helped and now I can play both games again! Thanks for the lightning fast response :D

I have a question: I'm not sure if this is on-purpose, but after my first encounter with the Lovelies, Beltboy no longer has the option to shoot and has lost almost all of his combos. Is this a bug or am I supposed to wait it out?


Re-equip your guns

Shout out to the only good Lisa fan game!

I think this is a typo, but after fighting and killing Gar Strings, his quote at the end says "Star light, Star bright, the first stare I see tonight," instead of star.

(2 edits)

The game is fucking phenomenal but when I save once, after I quit the game the save file resets, so I have  to save ten times in order to not have that making Pain Mode feel like OneShot. I sincerely hope that this gamebreaking bug will be fixed in a later patch anyways thats all I have to say bye.                                                   



Extract the RAR file, your computer doesn't have permission to actually create the save files otherwise. If that's not the problem, then it must be a problem with your computer, because this issue has never cropped up before with anyone else.

mac port pls

Will there be a Spanish translation for this game?

No plans for an official translation


Just finished playing Hopeful. I was looking for a good Lisa fan game a couple years ago and stopped looking. Then saw Nitro Rads review of Hopeful and Pointless.. Man Hopefull was just as good as the original. So the ending I got seemed to tease Hopeful 2? 

Hi Taco

Is it possible to dowload the game another way (Megaupload or torrent) I'm having a hard time downloading it, my internet connection is very bad but I really want to play it :(

I'd recommend asking on the Discord

Hey I just have a simple question. Do you plan on making any more games in the future?



Lmao I get it

(May contain spoilers)

I'm stuck at the lovelies campfire area after, you know the section right before the section where you jump from vehicule to vehicule, not the one at the beginning of the game. So anyway I have Beltboy and his friend, Cyclops (burnt alive), I have to try to beat 3 lovelies at once to save Lanks and those 3 lovelies are tough as hell, I tried EVERYTHING and I got a lot of healing items on my hands, but they oftentimes manage to take down both Beltboy and Cyclops with their overpowered attacks (They deal in average 700 points of damages and those attacks can even stun), so no matter how hard I try I will lose while my boys only manage to barely scratch them dealing on average 350 points of damages per skill attacks.

Any solution?

If that's worth noting, Beltboy is at level 21 and Cyclops is at level 22 and yep I gave them the strongest weapons/armor available right now, even tried to use Beltboy's bizarre arsenal because I was desperate to beat those 3 guys and that did not end well as well.

Besides this, I was also wondering how do I get to Beltboy's Lanks' and Cyclops' routes, it's not written anywhere on the wiki and all the people who have mentioned the routes just barely talked about them.

I know about the joyful route and the rodriguez route, but that's pretty much all.


Reposted from another comment


The more overt choices to where the storyline branches are in the Sportsdome - responding to Lanks or Cyclops in a certain fashion will change the course of the story.

MAJOR SPOILERS (In case you want direct instructions):

To unlock one ending, respond to Lanks by picking all of the TOP (first) options in dialogue for EACH match. (Four times)

To unlock a different ending than that, respond to Cyclops by picking all of the BOTTOM (second) options in dialogue for EACH match. (Four times)

I have a semi major bug to report, its probably less the fault of the dev and more of the engine and my computer though.

If you play on an bad PC and you have frameskip active, once you enter the third room in the Swamp camp brewery (where the barrels are), the game will register Beltboy and the party moving but won't actually draw it on the screen. This makes it impossible to get through the barrels in the area, so if you have a shittier rig like I do, TURN FRAMESKIP OFF!

Otherwise you wont be able to progress unless you can see with your ears or have godlike patience.


I think I have depression now... solid game, though.

Dude this game seems cool and all but how the hell do I jump

nvm i got it just after that

can you please add clear controls to the options part

ok, i have only a single question: 

why can't lisa the hopeful be played on mac? 

Incompatibilities and I haven't ported it over to Mac yet. But you can try using Wineskin, people have had some success with this.

Deleted 4 years ago

Yeah the wiki is slowly being filled by fans, it ain't like a triple A game, it takes time. Regardless, just focus fire on Corpulent. Use buffs, firebombs, wear a rubber duck to not be Scared as much. You can do it.

Deleted 1 year ago

sickass and a+ game, great job on everything.

story is fantastic, gameplay is fun, music is rockin.

lil question, though:

in my run, game ended after i killed heart and found the girl, and by that point my only party member was beltboy. after reading the comments for a bit here, it seems there's a few endings/routes. i played no joy pain mode, but i'm having trouble figuring out where the choices would be that could lead to different endings. 

The other endings are meant to be hidden fairly well.


The more overt choices to where the storyline branches are in the Sportsdome - responding to Lanks or Cyclops in a certain fashion will change the course of the story.

Another choice can be made at the very first of the game. Play in Pain Mode again and speak with Rodriguez multiple times. This one is hard to find.

MAJOR SPOILERS (In case you want direct instructions):

To unlock one ending, respond to Lanks by picking all of the TOP (first) options in dialogue for EACH match. (Four times)

To unlock a different ending than that, respond to Cyclops by picking all of the BOTTOM (second) options in dialogue for EACH match. (Four times)

For the last and secret ending, play in Pain Mode. Run from the very first Yogurt Masters fight, collect the item he drops and then go find Artie Choke. Do not kill him - just give him the mags and then speak with him. Trade the item he asks for for a Toolbox. Then return to Rodriguez and you're set.

many thanks, mister salad

hey dude i have problem with the swamp area where there is an unmovable rock with a ballon on it i tried to past but it didn't work and tried sniffing mushroom and tried to move past it but it didnt work either is this a bug or is there something i can do to move the rock?


If you moved past that rock you'd die fall into a pit and die though. I recommend getting high and jumping around.

Deleted 3 years ago

Of course

just so you know, the discord link is dead

Fixed, thank you.


I just finished playing LtH for the first time (Joyless, not on Pain mode), and I absolutely loved it. From the moment the game started, it felt like I was playing an actual Lisa game, not just a fangame.

The main character (Beltboy) is an interesting take on a Lisa protagonist. Whereas characters like Lisa, Brad, and Buddy were already more or less 'broken' and psychopathic at the game's start, Beltboy legitimately cares about his friends and has something of a sense of morality, which makes him much easier to identify with (although this IS Olathe, so those morals only go so far).

The relationships between the characters felt genuine and well thought out. There are three main characters (the definitive edition adds other routes/characters but I only played the base one), and each of them has a strong personality and a tangible relationship with each other.

If I had to nitpick, some of the bosses felt like they took way too long to kill (to the point where I was wondering if I was doing something wrong), and it felt like there were a lot of areas where it was *mandatory* that I drop from heights where I would take damage (this is especially prevalent in the 'mushroom trip' section). Also, there were a few too many enemies I had to fight right before the final boss, which kind of ruined the flow a bit. But still, those are nitpicks.

The presentation is amazing; every area, character sprite, and line of dialogue felt like something right out of The Painful or The Joyful. Somebody could have told me that Dingaling made this game as a canonical sequel and I would have believed it. The story is so well integrated into the world without being reliant on the previous games that I honestly consider it to be canon.

The different rival gangs were so well-designed! I'm just gushing at this point, but I think it's worth going into detail: I wish Dingaling had put this much effort into all the different gangs in the main series. Every gang in Hopeful had a unique quirk and was relevant to the story at some point or another. It wasn't like Joyful where a lot of them were just sort of there for the sake of existing without any sort of depth or context (I'm looking at you, Dice Mahone and Hawk Hollywood). In Hopeful, every single gang had their own design, quirks, goals, and even personality. The Engine Enthusiasts were brutal but honest and wanted to collect and maintain cars. The Sportsters were idiots who wanted to keep playing and watching 'sports' but forgot how they actually worked. The Kegger Crew were a bunch of pissed off redneck drunks who could actually be quite friendly at times. Again, I'm just gushing, but I think the different gangs was one of the best parts of the game.

If anybody is playing for the first time, my advice is to buy as many HP/SP recovery items as possible in the mid-to-late game. You will probably get as much perfume and weapons/armor as you need just by exploring and defeating bosses, but ways to heal are always at a premium.

Thank you so much, taco salad, for making this incredible game!

im cant find the game graphic folder

Deleted 7 years ago

F1 doesn't work on the old launcher if that's the one you're using. Regardless, you shouldn't need to disable frameskip on the old launcher. If you're using the default launcher and F1 doesn't work, you might just be doing something wrong.

So i'm trying to open up this game in my downloads but it wouldn't open the actual game so i'm kinda just stuck.

You have to extract the game first with a program like WinRAR


I’m on the Rodriguez Route on the trucks and I can’t find lanks no matter where I look.

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